When it comes to keeping yourself in tip-top condition, it’s not just you who counts on it. When you have a family, they rely on you for almost everything, and in that case – you need to be in the best health possible. There are a couple of things that you can do to make sure you are on top of your health needs.
We’ve got a few of the best health checks that you can do on yourself at home, but it’s always important to point out that if you need to see a GP, an OBGYN, a therapist – or any other health professional – don’t wait. Do what you can at home but if you are in any doubt, please go and seek some help. You don’t have to be alone with your health concerns and sometimes, being alone isn’t the best thing to be!
Regular temperature checks
Most of the time, we only check our temperature when we are feeling under the weather. But our temperature can tell us so much about what is going on in our bodies. Most adults will sit around 37/98 degrees. That temperature does change based on age, but it tends to be relatively steady.
When you have a firm understanding of your average temperature, you will spot changes that could signal your body is fighting off an infection.
If you wear a smartwatch, they often keep track of your temperature automatically.
Blood Pressure
One of the downsides to high blood pressure is those with it aren’t aware they have it. High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for strokes, heart failure, kidney disease, and heart attacks.
A blood pressure monitor is easy to use, and you can take your blood pressure once a week or once a day – whatever you prefer. Learn what your normal resting blood pressure and your normal post-workout pressure are.
Much like the temperature, some smartwatches will take your blood pressure too.
When you are aware of your blood pressure, you will inform your doctor if you notice any changes up or down.
Often we notice that something is going on with our hearing long before we do anything about it. Hearing care tips are one of the best ways to make sure that your hearing is protected.
But if you notice that you need to ask for the TV to be turned up, or perhaps you find that you need to ask for things to be repeated multiple times during a conversation.
The moment you notice even the smallest decline, it’s time to book a hearing test.
You need to be aware of how your breasts feel at all points of your hormonal cycle. There are breast changes before, during, and after a period – but if you aren’t used to how your breasts feel, then you might be in for a shock.
Once a week, perform a check on your skin and breast. This breast self-exam information can make sure that you complete it correctly – and if you do find anything, you should contact your doctor asap.
Performing a skin screening on yourself is pretty straightforward – you are looking for things that weren’t there before. Marks, moles, anything that is crusty, burns, or bleeding is cause for concern. Check the moles that you already have to see if there have been any changes to them.
Performing these simple home checks will mean that you are aware of your body, and if anything does happen, you will be able to give your doctor all of the information you have.
Are you looking for extra ways to be healthy? Read more: The Greatest Ways to Achieving Your Health-Related Goals
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