Martin Luther King, Jr. led millions of people in the fight for racial equality. Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with your children by doing some of these great activities:
Visit Family Education’s website for a plethora of fun and educational activities.
BrainPop offers a free video about MLK Jr.
My boys and I love to read. Below are some civil rights book recommendations that you can borrow from the library or click on the link to purchase.
Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.?: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was only 25 when he helped organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott and was soon organizing black people across the country in support of the right to vote, desegregation, and other basic civil rights. Maintaining nonviolent and peaceful tactics even when his life was threatened, King was also an advocate for the poor and spoke out against racial and economic injustice until his death?from an assassin?s bullet?in 1968. With clearly written text that explains this tumultuous time in history and 80 black-and-white illustrations, this Who Was?? celebrates the vision and the legacy of a remarkable man.
However you choose to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and celebrate this holiday with the kids will be a great memory!
Allison Jones says
I love these ideas! My parents always made sure I honored Dr. King annually either by watching a movie about him, reading about him, going to the King Center, or doing some type of service and it’s definitely something I plan to pass on to my future kids. It’s so important that we continue to honor his legacy.