I know, I know…everyone makes resolutions that maybe stick for the month of January. I am going to make some that are going to stick with me…they have to…seriously.
My first resolution is to get my butt in the gym more than the usual 1x every other week. Who am I kidding besides myself? I complain day in and day out that I have a pooch (sp?), that my jeans are tight, that I look pregnant (and the fact that people ask me if I am…will that EVER end???). I need to do something about it – not just talk about it, or do it one day and then not follow through the rest of the days.
My second resolution, which ties into the first one, is to eat healthier. The app that I was using previously to track my eating habits and calories was great…until I tested the barcode scanning portion of it, and it told me that my 10 pretzels are 225 calories and not the 110 that the bag of pretzels said. I have probably been gypping myself of well-deserved calories.
My third resolution – not to buy any clothing until I get to my goal weight. This is going to be a hard one because all I want to do now is buy moo-moos to hide myself in (well moo-moo tops). I am allowing myself to buy like 2 – 5 tops but NO bottoms, just to hold my wardrobe over :). As an aside to this resolution I also need to donate/get rid of my shirts that are tight-fitting. They make me feel worse and NO, THEY WON”T STRETCH. I need to get over the fact that I am not, nor will never be, the same size as when I was like 25. (Notice I said “clothing” – not handbags and shoes too – bah hah hah.)
My fourth resolution – be more fun and creative with the boys. My younger one LOVES to do crafts…I am going to try and do more fun, creative things with him. Check out my post about the Green Craft Kids promotion that ends on the 4th! The kits (and pre-determined craft ideas) come straight to your doorstep. My older and younger boys both love to help their dad make chocolate chip pancakes (it may be because they get to eat some chocolate chips when they are done)…they love helping out. I am going to try and cook more with them. They may not eat what they cook (the younger, picky one), but it would be some great time spent together – and I’ll just eat whatever they don’t…of course, if it fits into my daily calorie intake!
I am sure I can think of a few more…like reading more books, really revisiting the thought of learning Spanish (I am lame – I have the Rosetta Stone set for Spanish…I just need to time block better)…
What are your New Year Resolutions?
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