My mom and dad were reminiscing over old photos and documents and came across this article by Erma Bombeck. Even though my boys are only 8 and 5, I can appreciate this article very much - and will save it for my boys to read when they get older and … [Read more...]
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заказать аутрич sap s4hana cloudLast Minute Mother’s Day Gifts
If you have not already gotten your mother/wife their mother's day gift, you are really cutting it close. But don't despair, I have some ideas that may save you! Flowers are always a good move. Even better - a plant. I personally love plants … [Read more...]
Got ‘Em! Mommyvision in Full Effect!!
I don't know why I am so psyched about this instance, BUT... My parents always had this sixth sense - they knew if I was up to no good or if I was doing something I shouldn't be doing. I wasn't a bad kid, I don't think, but you know you tried to … [Read more...]
Did You Know There Is A National Scrabble Day?
They have a day for everything! Today is National Scrabble Day...a tribute to the long-time favorite word game! Some Scrabble Facts Did you know: Scrabble was invented by an architect (in 1938) It was once a TV Game Show! (back in the … [Read more...]