I can't thank you enough for completing my short reader survey! My goal is to get to know what's on your mind - what you like to read, want to see more of...you name it! I thought maybe you'd like to see what the overall results were. I found them … [Read more...]
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заказать аутрич sap s4hana cloudBOOK REVIEW – Who Am I?
Book Who Am I? is about her journey into post-partum depression, anxiety disorder, panic attacks, visits to the psych ward, divorce, domestic violence, law school, and her courageous struggle to survive with her sanity intact—and how a beautiful … [Read more...]
National Pancake Week
National Pancake Week! Yet another holiday I have never heard of but am more than excited to celebrate because it is a delicious holiday! Who doesn't like pancakes? My kids eat them 6 out of the 7 days of the week...chocolate chip ones. We pre … [Read more...]
BOOK REVIEW – Welcome to the World!
NEW RELEASE...... Welcome to the World! by inspirational author Kanta Bosniak works as a baby blessing for the child and for the child in us all. Directly addressing the child, it serves as a kind of loving welcome as well as a kind of spiritual … [Read more...]
Tis the Season to Be a Kid!
My most favorite time of the year is approaching! Tis the season to be a kid - when I was little, I would so look forward to the Fall and Winter months. It meant a respite from the hot weather (mind you, I lived in the northeast at the time), the … [Read more...]
Five for Friday – October 3
October...it's October already?!? Wow...next thing you know it will be the winter holiday season. This week has been a bit different for me. I started a 31 Day Challenge #write31 days, which I will detail below. I also was laid off from my … [Read more...]
There’s an App For That…or a Website
I'm always on the lookout for a cool app or website to make life a bit easier or more fun. Below are my latest findings. My husband is the chef of the household. He is a natural when it comes to cooking - something I am NOT. I can cook, and … [Read more...]
I Love Fashion Swag!
I received my first Blog City fashion goodie courtesy of Free Love Boutique this past weekend! I love fashion swag! Free Love, a local boutique here in Delray Beach, is committed to building a family of fashion, up and coming brands, inspired … [Read more...]
5 Friday Favorites!
It's Friday Favorites time! I thought this day would never come! Some weeks fly by and some take their little ol' time. I'm hoping this weekend will bring my boys a win each for their basketball teams. What's on your calendar? ONE: Did you know … [Read more...]