It's the last Five for Friday for June. Now that I think of it, that is a bit scary...where did June go??? Before we know it, it will be Christmas time (gasp). Not to get ahead of myself, we haven't even hit the Fourth of July! Do you have plans … [Read more...]
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Some Friday Fun
It's Friiiiiiiddaayyyyyyyyy!!! TGIF!!! Here are some fun links and things that I have seen over the past week and want to share with you! I am OBSESSED with the Swedish Chef from the Muppets - and super excited that they are going to be … [Read more...]
Calling All 80’s Girls!
I know I may be aging myself, but I read this and was like, "OMG...I remember that" and "Shut up...I wore that"... If you grew up in the '80s, I hope you thoroughly enjoy the link below as much as I did. THINGS ONLY 80'S GIRLS CAN … [Read more...]
Are You a List Maker?
Are you one of those people that make lists? Like, make lists of lists? I used to always comment to my sister on her list making...she would constantly make lists. Always extremely organized and forward thinking - J introduced me to my … [Read more...]