It’s time for me to publish my New Year’s resolutions. There aren’t many but these are well-thought through. I feel that if I publish them they may stick! Possibly?

- Respond to compliments with a simple “thank you”…I always tend to go into a dissertation that I am sure the compliment giver wasn’t expecting LOL
- Slow down and enjoy my time home with the family – it may go away soon so I need to relax, not feel guilty that I am not working and LOVE the time!!
- Time block – I have so many things that I want to do with my new-found time and seem to get sucked into the more meaningless things (ahem Facebook, email, etc.)
- Turn all of my hangers in the opposite direction…I really want to see what I actually wear and what stays on their hanger!
- Grow my blog to the next level!
What are your resolutions? I’d love to hear!
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