Today back in 1940, “Brenda Starr,” the first cartoon strip by a woman, appeared in a Chicago newspaper. Originally created for the Chicago Tribute syndicate, this comic strip is about a female reporter – Brenda Starr. The character name, Brenda Starr, was based on Brenda Frazier, a debutante of the 1930s.
It’s hard to believe but there was some controversy over this female-themed character. Initially, the Tribune editor resisted due to the fact that the creator was a woman (seriously??). “Whenever Ms. Messick drew in cleavage or a navel, the syndicate would erase it. She was once banned in Boston after showing Brenda smoking a polka-dot cigar.”
Starr was introduced during a time when women were trying to figure out their place in society. World War II raged and women were discovering they could do a lot more than stay at home. Starr perfectly captured that independent daring streak that brewed in American women at the time.
photo credit: Mike Licht, via photo pin cc
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