Happy 5 for Friday Day!! This week dragged the first two days and then all of a sudden it flew by! I’m so excited because I get to see my sister, niece and nephews today!! No doubt there will be a lot of hugging going on. What are your plans for the weekend? Before you check out for the week, look at my 5 Friday favorites below!
Having two boys under the age of 10 and living in such close proximity to Disney World, you probably have guessed that we’ve been to the Magic Kingdom a gazillion times so far. I am always amazed at how they don’t miss a beat when it comes to details. Our cruise experience was the same way! Check out 10 Weird Things You Don’t Know About Disney to get even more insight on how detailed they are!
You know how I love me some wine, but when I am airborne and order a glass it tastes different sometimes. I thought it was just me, but apparently it isn’t! I learned a cool way to aerate the wine when you are 30,000 miles high – before enjoying.
France has made it illegal to check your work email after business hours…how is that possible you ask? I was a bit surprised myself. I always check my work email 1 – 2x a night just in case. It’s almost second nature. Do you unplug when you get home?
I love photographs that tell a story. These images from above are of famous places – such a different perspective – literally!
Don’t forget about my giveaway of a sterling silver locket! Click here to enter!
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